Section 125: Cafeteria Plan Common Questions

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A Section 125 plan, or a cafeteria plan, allows employers to provide their employees with a choice between cash and certain qualified benefits without adverse tax consequences. Employees who participate in a cafeteria plan can pay for qualified benefits, such as group health insurance, on a pretax basis. This reduces both the employees’ and the employer’s tax liability.

Once an employee makes a cafeteria plan election, he or she may not change that election until the next plan year, unless the employee experiences a permitted election change event. This irrevocability requirement can be a disadvantage to participating in a cafeteria plan. Also, while the employer may reduce its tax liability by offering a cafeteria plan, it is responsible for the costs of establishing and maintaining the plan.

To receive the tax advantages associated with a cafeteria plan, the plan must generally pass certain tests that are designed to ensure that the plan does not discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees.

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