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Nondiscrimination Tests for Cafeteria Plans_Page_1

Nondiscrimination Tests for Cafeteria Plans

Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act_Page_1

Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act (NMHPA)

New Minnesota Law Requires Paid Sick and Safe Leave for Employees

New Minnesota Law Requires Paid Sick and Safe Leave for Employees

Minnesota Workers' Compensation - Employer Responsibilities_Page_1

Minnesota: Workers’ Compensation – Employer Responsibilities

Minnesota Work Hour Laws_Page_1

Minnesota: Hours of Work

Minnesota Minimum Wage Laws_Page_1

Minnesota Minimum Wage Laws

Minnesota Legalizes Recreational Marijuana and Restricts Testing

Minnesota Legalizes Recreational Marijuana and Restricts Testing

Minnesota Expands Parental Leave Act

Minnesota Expands Parental Leave Act

Minnesota Employee Leave Laws - Overview_Page_1

Minnesota Employee Leave Laws—Overview

Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time_Page_1

Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time

Minnesota Creates Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program

Minnesota Creates Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program

Minnesota Bans Discrimination Based on Gender Identity

New Law Prohibits Discrimination Based on Gender Identity

Michelle's Law_ Coverage for Dependent Students_Page_1

Michelle’s Law – Coverage for Dependent Students

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits_ Parity Requirements_Page_1

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits: Parity Requirements

Medicare Part D_ Retiree Drug Subsidy_Page_1

Medicare Part D: Retiree Drug Subsidy

Medicare Part D_ Prescription Drug Benefit_Page_1

Medicare Part D – Prescription Drug Benefit

Medicare Part D Disclosure Notice to CMS_Page_1

Medicare Part D: Disclosure Notice to CMS

Medicare Part D Creditable Coverage Disclosure Notices_Page_1

Medicare Part D: Creditable Coverage Disclosure Notices

Medicare Part D Common Questions_Page_1

Medicare Part D Common Questions

Key HSA Features - 2024 Compliance_Page_1

Key HSA Features—2024 Compliance

Key HSA Features - 2023 Compliance_Page_1

Key HSA Features—2023 Compliance

IRS Section 139 Qualified Disaster Relief Payments and Coronavirus_Page_1

IRS Section 139 Qualified Disaster Relief Payments and Coronavirus

Individual Coverage HRAs – Paying Individual Insurance Premiums_Page_1

Individual Coverage HRAs (ICHRA) – Paying Individual Insurance Premiums

HSA_HDHP Limits Will Increase for 2024_Page_1

HSA/HDHP Limits Will Increase for 2024